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Once the three escaped the police, Wei dropped her and Vivienne off at her condo in Kennedy Town, where he acquired Sandra's phone number from Vivienne. Wei bet HK $100,000 as well as Sandra and Vivienne, on him winning, which he did, though not without interference from the police. She then suggested that they participate in a street race with Alex.

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Sandra immediately took interest in Wei, due to him being a 'gangster'. Sandra met Wei after he was sent to pick her and Vivienne up by Sonny. At some time she befriended Vivienne Lu, an up and coming starlet. Sonny promised Sandra that he would make her a star if she cooperated, but she quickly declined. Sonny Wo, who was also in attendance at the party, attempted to exploit Sandra by getting her to have sex with an elderly man while Sonny watched. When Sandra was 16, she attended a party on Wallace Chung's yacht. Sandra seems to come from a wealthy family, as she mentions that her father has a new vineyard in France.

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