I would like to add some timed events as well, that would introduce House, Caesar and the NCR as the game goes on, but would they be willing to push into the region with you holding them off? I like this idea because before the NCR come knocking, New Vegas is still buried under the rubble, with tribals running the ruins, and without two major powers, it gives the player room to maneuver around the Mojave without being railroaded.
The Mojave before NCR and Caesar's Legion intervention in the region.
Therefore, I decided to just work on this little project on Warband. While I did enjoy Freeman, it's too rough around the edges in it's current state, though it is going through a major overhaul that won't come out for a couple months to a year. I was given a lot of feedback and suggestions on mods to check out and to try Freeman: Guerilla Warfare Hello all, I had asked about warband in the modern setting, specifically how guns would function and shape the game.